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Health Services » Health Services

Health Services

Welcome to the PTS Health Services website.
Here, you can locate and review our policies and the services we provide to keep our students, families, and staff healthy. We encourage our families to keep our school nurses updated on your child's health so that we can best meet their needs and ensure they are healthy and ready to learn. 
Contact Us
Portage Township Schools Health Services
6450 U.S. Highway 6
Portage, IN 46368
Call: (219)764-6054
Fax: (219)764-6326
The Teen Clinic
Portage High School (Door R)
6450 US Highway 6
Portage, IN 46368
Portage Township Schools is proud to offer a Teen Clinic to meet the health and wellness needs of our students. The clinic offers a variety of services, including sick visits, immunizations, physicals, and more. Students who visit the Teen Clinic will meet with our nurse practitioner, who can provide physical exams, diagnose and treat a number of common ailments, and prescribe medication. 
The clinic is open during school hours. Our goal is to provide treatment for your child so they can feel better faster and return to school ready and able to learn.
Making an Appointment
Please call NorthShore Health Centers at (219)763-8112 to schedule an appointment for your child at the Teen Clinic. Students must have a Parent Consent Form on file with the Teen Clinic in order to be seen by our nurse practitioner. Please submit your form prior to your child's first visit at the clinic. Click here to fill out and submit a Parent Consent Form.
Visiting the Teen Clinic
The Teen Clinic is located at Portage High School. Enter the school at Door R, located on the east side of the school. Parking is available near the clinic. Once you enter Door R, please proceed down the hallway to the clinic area. 
Summer Teen Clinic Information
The Teen Clinic is open this summer to all Portage Township Schools students enrolled in grades K-12 in the 2022-2023 school year. This is a great way to complete summer check-ups, sports physicals, and vaccination requirements. Summer hours are as follows:
June 2 - July 2
Monday - Friday 
Monday 7-12
Tuesday 7-3
Wednesday 7-12
Thursday 7-3
Friday 7-10:30
Please call (219)763-8112 to make an appointment.
Health Forms
Keep your child's school up-to-date on your child's health conditions by submitting a health form to your child's school. Click on the appropriate form below to download and print it. Visit for more information on the annual physicals required for our student athletes.
Elementary Health Aids    
Veronica Ramos 
Candace Albee
Tara Nicholson
South Haven
Jessica Davis
Luz Lemus
Alycia Galindo
Christina Wright
Jennifer Monks
Secondary Health Aids    
Cheryl Wilken
Clinic Secretary    
Susan Lackey
School Nurses    
Megan Clay RN
Health Services Director
PHS East
Denisa Riley RN
(Saylor, South Haven, & PHS West)
PHS East
Dawn Harbart RN
(Central, Aylesworth, & Myers)
Dawn Moslander RN
(Crisman, Kyle, Jones)
Susan Lackey  (Secretary)


Indiana law requires that students in all grades are required to meet the minimum immunization requirements. The immunization record must include the student’s name and date of birth, the vaccine given and date (month/day/year) of each immunization. Below lists the Indiana school requirements of vaccines with number of doses students must have before attending class.

2023-2024 Immunization Requirements
Exclusion from School When a child is enrolled in Portage Township Schools, the parent/guardian are given 20 days to provide record that their child has been immunized or file a current religious or medical objection on file.
Medical or Religious ObjectionsMedical/ Religious objections to immunizations must be signed by a parent/guardian each year. The medical exemption must contain a physician's certification that a particular immunization is detrimental to the child's health. The objections must be on file with the school. A philosophical objection is not allowed in Indiana. 
2023-2024 Immunization Clinic at Portage High School
Portage Township schools and NorthShore Health Centers have partnered in order to provide easy access to immunizations for our students with no out-of-pocket cost to families. If you are interested in your child obtaining vaccinations at the Teen Clinic inside PHS, please complete the following forms and send them back with your child to the school nurse. 
Immunization Waiver Form
Immunization Sites
  • Your local physician or pediatrician
  • Porter County Department of Health Immunization Clinic (219) 759-8239 
  • NorthShore Health Centers (219) 763-8112.Children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Take a copy of your child's immunization records
Meningococcal Immunization
Meningococcal disease is a dangerous disease that can strike children and youth. The disease can progress rapidly and within hours of the first symptoms, may result in death or permanent disability including loss of hearing, brain damage, and limb amputations. Current information about the need for the meningococcal vaccine may be view from the Center for Disease Control.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection 
HPV is a virus that causes many infections. HPV infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STD). This infection is spread by skin-to-skin contact during sex with a person infected with HPV. It causes genital warts or infection of the cervix (the upper part of the vagina) which connects the uterus or womb. The best way to prevent getting HPV is to not have sex, because a person usually can't tell if he or she is infected. Infected people can give the virus to others during sexual contact without knowing it. Most females get HPV soon after becoming sexually active. Even though the HPV infection can go away on its own, it may last for months or years. There is no medication to treat HPV infection so it is very important to prevent infection or find its presence early. HPV infection can cause cervical changes that can lead to cancer of the cervix. It can also cause cancer of other genital organs. A Pap test, which examines the cells of the cervix, can find the presence of these cervical changes due to HPV infection. If the Pap test shows abnormal cells, a health care provider will do more tests and/or provide treatment as needed. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine
During the school year, we have requests from parents to administer prescription and non-prescription medication to their children. In order to comply with Indiana State Law and Portage Township Schools policy, we require that you please follow these instructions:
  • All medications for students below ninth (9th) grade must be brought to school and picked up from school by parents / guardians.
  • Students in ninth (9th) grade and above must have a note from their parents to take medication to and from school.
  • All medications must remain in the school clinic unless otherwise specified by the students physician and parent and approved by a Portage Township Schools Registered Nurse
PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION will be given to students provided the following is on file at the pupil's school:
  • Authorization signed by a parent or guardian
  • Written instructions from student's physician or typed instructions on the prescription bottle which states:
    • Name of Student
    • Name and Dosage of Medication
    • Time and Administration of Medication
    • Name of Physician
  • Must be sent in the original container and must be accompanied by a note from the parent
  • Include a note explaining the dosage of the medication and the time of administration
  • If dosage exceeds the manufacturers recommended dosage, a physician’s note must verify the dosage
  • Any exceptions to the above must be cleared through the Health Services Director or a school nurse
  • All medications must be age appropriate For your child's safety, medication will be given only if it is sent with a note and is properly labeled
  • Aspirin or other non-prescription drugs will be given only if furnished by the parent and accompanied by a note from the parent
In the school environment many communicable diseases are easily transmitted from one student to another. A healthy environment involves prevention, early recognition of illness, symptoms, prompt diagnosis and treatment. Children who are not feeling well have a difficult time concentrating and, therefore, do not benefit from the instruction they receive during that time. Please do not send an ill child to school. We need your assistance in providing a safe and healthy environment for your child.

Below are some guidelines to help you make the decision whether or not to send your child to school. Keep your child home if she/he has any of the following symptoms:
100 F or greater. May return when temperature is normal for a minimum of 24 hours.

Less than 2 times in the preceding 24 hours, unless determined to be from a non-communicable condition. May return when resolved.

3 or more watery or loose stools in 24 hours. May return when resolved for 24 hours.

Stiff neck or headache with accompanying fever
May return after resolution of symptoms or diagnosis made and clearance given by medical provider.

Any new onset of rash. May return after resolves or diagnosis is made and clearance given by medical provider.

Sore throat
Painful throat with fever or swollen glands. Strep throat should be treated with antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school.

Eye discharge
Thick mucus or pus draining from eye.

Severe Cough
Phlegm producing cough or a severe cough following by a whooping sound.

Severe runny nose or congestion, difficulty breathing, etc.

If your child is diagnosed with a communicable disease, please notify the school as soon as possible. Some students have medical conditions and/or compromised immune systems that can become life threatening when exposed to certain illnesses.
Prevention Programs: Routine screenings of easy to detect health problems results in early treatment so children are able to reach their full potential. 

Hearing: Screenings are performed in grades K, 1, 4, 7, and 10.

Vision:​ Screenings are performed in grades K, 1, 3, 5, and 8.

Glasses: If you or any family you know are having problems obtaining glasses for your children due to financial difficulties, contact the Nurse or Health Assistant in your school clinic for more information about how we can assist you.

Healthcare:​ Likewise, if you or your child is in need of healthcare, contact the clinic personnel at your child's school or call PTS Health Services Director Pat Olson at 764-6953 for assistance.
NorthShore Health Center
You don't need to go without healthcare! The NorthShore Health Center provides medical and dental services to qualified PTS children and families on a sliding scale based on income. You may qualify if you meet any of the following criteria:
  • Medicaid recipient
  • Insurance with high deductibles
  • Qualify for Medicaid but cannot get to the doctor due to lack of transportation or other barriers
NorthShore Health Center (Portage Location)
6050 Sterling Creek Road
Portage, IN 46368
Call (219)763-8112 for an appointment.

Porter County Health Department
Nursing services provided include immunization clinics, pregnancy testing, lead screening, and more. For more information, visit
Porter County Health Department
North County Government Complex
3560 Willowcreek Rd
Portage, IN 46368
Call (219)759-8239 for an appointment.
Portage Township Schools works to ensure all students are exposed to a variety of healthy lifestyle choices. From embedding physical fitness activities, to educating our students on healthy practices, to offering nutritious options at lunch, the district takes our role in educating the whole child very seriously. 

Below is the link to our Wellness Policy Assessment. For questions on this document, please contact our Wellness Designee in Charge of Compliance at (219)763-8008.
2019 Wellness Policy Assessment