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Technology » Cybersecurity


Cyber Security


Cybersecurity is the art of protecting networks, devices, and data from unauthorized access or criminal use and the practice of ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. It seems that everything relies on computers and the internet now—communication (e.g., email, smartphones, tablets),  and the list goes on. As a school district, we take Cybersecurity very seriously and take the measures we need to keep everyone safe!  

  • Beware of Phishing Scams 
    Use caution when opening emails even
    those that appear to be from trusted
    sources or from senders who ask you
    to provide sensitive information –
    i.e., share student data or requests.
  • Encrypt Your Data (both for yourself
    and your students)
  • Secure Your Devices from Physical
    Attacks - Use a VPN (Virtual Private
    Network) and Multi-Factor
    Authentication to provide the greater measure of protection when it is necessary to work
    from home or out-of-school setting.
  • Follow Your School’s Cybersecurity Protocols - Work with your IT staff on system
updates/Acceptable Use Policies 

  •   Understanding passwords: It can become a habit, especially in children, to create one
    “master password” for all devices and accounts to make them easy to remember. And
    while passwords are often controlled and created by parents rather than children, it is
    important to ingrain the concept of having unique and complicated passwords for all
    accounts and devices to protect information.
  • The App Store: There are thousands of apps and games that can be accessed through
    tablets, computers, and cell phones. However, not all of these are meant for children. Be
    sure that content restrictions are set in place through online accounts to ensure that only
    kid-friendly content is in the hands of kids.
  • Monitor who they are talking to regularly. It is 10 p.m. Do you know who your child is
    talking to? Whether it is on a game, social media, messengers, and more, it is important
    to establish rules with your kids that if they have not met the person, they do not talk to
    the person unless you have approved it. So many child predators count on parents
    allowing their young kids to be unsupervised with their phones, tablets, and game 
  • Protecting personal information on social media: It can be tempting to make funny posts
    on TikTok that reference the names of friends, names of schools, etc., but this can be
    incredibly dangerous. Social media is the newest form of communication for kids and
    adults alike, but it’s also an easy way for people to gather information that can be used
    by bad actors for a variety of things. It’s important to teach kids that personal
    information is personal and shouldn’t be shared online.