Children working outside on project

Six BPA students qualify for State

Six Portage High School students will compete at the Business Professionals of America State Competition after qualifying at the December 10th Regional Leadership Conference at Kankakee Valley High School. 
PHS BPA earned a total of 24 top 10 finishes at Regionals. For all but one PHS student, this was their first time competing in a BPA event.
The state qualifiers and their event(s) are Sean Bogseth (Economic Research), Aidan Lineberry (Computer Security, Python Programming), Cayley Markos (Entrepreneurship, Fundamental Word Processing), Kyle Mann (PC Configuration, Cisco Networking), Delfino Vasquez (Computer Security), and Anna Zurek (Business Law).
BPA has member schools in 26 states and allows students to compete in over 90 events, where classroom business topics are turned into competitive contests to showcase student learning and achievement.