School board members attend ISBA State House Day PTS School Board vice president Wilma Vazquez and member Shaunna Finley traveled to Indianapolis last week for the Indiana School Board Association’s 5th Annual State House Day where the two collaborated with school board members in other districts, ISBA leadership, and local legislators.
Six BPA students qualify for State PHS students Sean Bogseth, Aidan Lineberry, Cayley Markos, Kyle Mann, Delfino Vasquez, and Anna Zurek will compete at the Business Professionals of America State Competition in March.
Brother and sister qualify for National ACDA Honor Choir This February, Rowan and Fiona Barnes will travel to Cincinnati to perform with the high school and middle school honors choirs, respectively, at the ACDA’s national conference. This is also the first time Portage Township Schools will be represented in the honor choirs.
All 11 schools in Portage Township achieve Level 1 certification in Marzano High Reliability Schools™ Portage Township Schools is pleased to announce the achievement of Level 1 certification in Marzano High Reliability Schools™.
Ethan Howard accepted into Naval Academy When senior Ethan Howard entered Portage High School’s MCJROTC class as a freshman, he was a natural. PHS MCJROTC instructor Lt. Col. Thomas Gualandi said he saw Ethan stand out during his sophomore year as a “kind, hardworking, and dutiful” individual. These character traits have paid off, as Ethan was recently accepted into the prestigious Naval Academy.