Staff Benefits
Union Support Staff Benefits
Some or all of the following benefits may be available to union staff at PTS. Additional information about eligibility may be found in the Employee Handbook and the collective bargaining agreement.
To learn more about the available coverage for union staff at PTS, contact the following providers.
Indiana Public Retirement System (INPRS)
Public Employees Retirement Fund
*Eligibility for enrollment in PERF is based on position and hours. For more information, contact the benefits office.
Member Support Line: 844-GO-INPRS (844-464-6777)
Support Staff Benefits
Some or all of the following benefits may be available to non-certified and non-union support staff. Additional information about eligibility may be found in the Employee Handbook and the collective bargaining agreement.
To learn more about the available coverage for non-certified and non-union support staff, contact the following providers.
Indiana Public Retirement System (INPRS)
Public Employees Retirement Fund
*Eligibility for enrollment in PERF is based on position and hours. For more information, contact the benefits office.
Member Support Line: 844-GO-INPRS (844-464-6777)
Teachers and Certified Staff Benefits
Some or all of the following benefits may be available to teachers and certified staff. Additional information about eligibility may be found in the Employee Handbook and the collective bargaining agreement.
To learn more about the available coverage for teachers and certified staff, contact the following providers.
Indiana Public Retirement System (INPRS)
Teachers Retirement Fund
Member Support Line: 844-GO-INPRS (844-464-6777)
Anthem Insurance Information
Employee Assistance
Medicare Part D Notice
Smoking Cessation Resources